Speeding Tickets in New Jersey | What You Need to Know
Speeding while driving is very common. In fact, some drivers get angry at those who stick to the speed limit. However, speeding is incredibly dangerous and can lead to life-threatening accidents. As a result, New Jersey takes speeding very seriously. Read on to learn more about speeding tickets in New Jersey and what to do if you are facing a ticket.
What to know about New Jersey’s point system:
When it comes to speeding tickets, it is important to understand New Jersey’s point system. Certain violations will result in points on your license. If you accumulate 12 or more points on your license, your license may be suspended. Notably, If you are caught speeding in excess of 30 miles per hour, you may be subject to a reckless driving ticket. If you accumulate 6 or more points on your license within 3 years, you may be subject to an additional fine. New Jersey’s point system for speeding tickets is as follows:
- 1-14 miles over the posted speed limit: 2-point violation
- 15-30 miles over the posted speed limit: 4-point violation
- 30 miles or more over the posted speed limit: 5-point violation
What are the consequences of a speeding ticket in New Jersey?
While speeding tickets can add points to your license, they can also result in a hefty financial burden. The fines you face will depend upon the speed at which you were traveling:
- Speeding by 1-9 mph: $85
- Speeding 10-14 mph: $95
- Speeding by 15-19 mph: $105
- Speeding by 20-24 mph: $200
- Speeding by 25-29 mph: $220
- Speeding by 30-34 mph: $240
- Speeding by 35-39 mph: $260
Speeding tickets can lead to long-term financial burdens as well. Speeding violations will appear on your NJ driving record, making it visible to auto insurers. In response to this, auto insurers will likely adjust the premium rate at an increase as high as 15%.
Should I pay my speeding ticket?
Many people assume that their best option is to simply pay their speeding ticket. In many cases, it can be beneficial to speak with an experienced traffic violations attorney before paying your ticket. An attorney may be able to reduce the points and fines you are facing.
If you are facing a speeding ticket, contact our firm today to discuss your options.
Contact our Firm
The Law Offices of Richard E. Novak, LLC has over 25 years of experience helping clients through tough times when they need it most. If you need assistance with any intellectual property, traffic violations, or business law matters, our firm is here to help. It is critical that you pick the right attorney who can protect your rights. Contact The Law Offices of Richard E. Novak, LLC for a consultation.